Aliso Ranch Stables Newsletter
December 2022
From the Manger:
I can’t believe it’s the last month of 2022! It was a very challenging year on multiple levels. Strangles was at the top of the list. Strangles hit the ranch in waves which made it very challenging to control. I know there was a lot learned from this and made some significant adjustments to prevent this from happening again. I want to personally thank Dr. Mike Giacopuzzi for all his assistance and guidance to control strangles at ARS. And the many boarders and trainer that stepped up and assisted me in fighting this bacterium. I can’t thank you enough for your understanding and patience.
It also appeared that some of our equipment caught Strangles! Well, not really but the few failures we encountered did impact the daily operations of the ranch. Again, so many people understood this challenge and were tremendously patient and understanding. We are working on finalizing the purchase of two new tractors. I can’t wait!!!!
For 2023, I purpose no equipment failure, healthy horses, reduced cost in hay, reduced cost of fuel and more BBQ’s.
It wasn’t all bad in 2022. Here are some of the few highlights:
· The Barbeque was a great success and I believe everyone had a great time. A lot of boarders got to know each other, and the band was as outstanding as ever.
· Beatrice Nichols donated a beautiful stainless-steel refrigerator to ARS, Thank you Beatrice!!!
· We instituted a fly control system. I believe it helped alleviate some of the fly issues. I heard a lot of positive comments about the difference it was making.
· We procured a TR3E arena drag.
Now that I’ve given us hope of a great start to 2023, I do need to bring up the new 2023 Board rates. When evaluating the new Board rates for 2023, we looked at increases realized in the stable operations but more importantly the dramatic increase in hay costs. Boarders are currently paying part of that hay cost as a hay surcharge. In 2023 the hay surcharge will be eliminated, and the actual hay cost will be included in the board as well as a $30.00 increase for stable operations. This equates to $71.00 increase per month more than you are presently paying as illustrated in the table below.
2020 Board + hay surcharge
2023 Board-no hay surcharge
A Barn - 24’ X 24’
$420 + $64 = $484
B Barn - 12’ X 24’
$390 + $64 = $454
C Barn - 12’ X 24’
$380 + $64 = $444
E Barn - 45’ X 30’
$440 + $64 = $504
F Barn - 15’ X 30’
$395 + $64 = $459
G Barn - 35’ X 25’
$430 + $64 = $494
JW Barn - 12’ X 24’
$390 + $64 = $454
$380 + $64 = $444
Height Stalls
$420 + $64 = $484
Height Corrals
$380 + $64 = $444
Most of the increase is due to the hay. I will be doubling the hay credit for hay that is not used and give additional hay credit when and if the hay costs start to drop.
For those of you who feed orchard, if the cost of orchard does not increase the additional cost per month will be $4.00 for 1 flake per day, $8.00 for 2 flakes per day. $12.00 for 3 flakes per day, and $16.00 for 4 flakes per day instead of the current $34.50 per month for a flake per day. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
As we come into the new year, the health of our horses should be at the top of the priority list. Vicky still has a few of the health cards available. These are the cards that explain different emergencies and symptoms to look for. She had ordered more for a clinic and has some left over from that. If you’d like one, they are $11.00. For those that did buy one, she is happy to help you determine your horses’ vitals and record them so they can be provided during an equine emergency. Below is a list of items that are beneficial to have on hand:
· Bute
· Banamine (DO NOT administer Banamine until your vet has told you to do so)
· Antihistamine (The Wharf carries Anti-hist)
· Duct tape
· Gauze
· Thermometer
· Stethoscope
· Sheet cotton
· Standing raps/Vet raps for pressure bandages
· Antibiotic ointment
· Sterile padding
· Epsom salts
· Large bandana
· Gallon Sized freezer bags
· Drawing salve
We got some new boarders here at ARS. They are Luis Collazo (C Barn), Carissa Thangathurai (C Barn), Antonio and Jacylyn Solomon (Heights), Jack and Danny McGrath (Heights), and Violeta Banuelos (C Barn). Please welcome them to ARS.
We are thinking about putting together some fun obstacle days and perhaps having Rebecca do some clinics. After the New Year, more details will be provided.
On the Horizon:
Greener grass and beautiful views!
Wishing you a very happy holiday and prayers as we go into the new year strong, with great rides ahead and more fun at Aliso Ranch Stables.
Happy trails,
Tom Torres,
Aliso Ranch Stables, Manager